A Visit With Shmuel: Bekaot
This month, I visited the community of Bekaot, a small agricultural moshav in the Jordan Valley, actually on the Samaria foothills just above the Jordan Valley. What a beautiful place!
This month, I visited the community of Bekaot, a small agricultural moshav in the Jordan Valley, actually on the Samaria foothills just above the Jordan Valley. What a beautiful place!
This month, I decided to skip a community visit and, instead, share with you a personal insight into the deteriorating security situation in Judea and Samaria. I actually filmed this last week, during the holiday of Succot.
The people of Otniel are united in their dedication to Biblical values and Bible study, with a large number of residents working as educators in several local Bible institutions and raising the next generation of religious pioneers.
The community of Otniel needs help purchasing an emergency generator for their daycare center. This community is especially vulnerable to blackouts in the winter, during which young children often experience freezing temperatures while in daycare. Caring for Precious Little Ones Click here for more project details The community of Otniel desperately needs your help to … Read more