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A Historic Visit in Australia

Hope Despite the Tragedy of Ofra Tuesday, March 7, 2017 I have just returned from a wonderful trip to Australia where I spent 10 days travelling and speaking in three states: New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland.  It was my seventh trip to Australia in as many years and each year I feel more gratified … Read more

L’Shana Tova (Happy New Year!)

Tuesday, October 11, 2016 Yesterday and the day before were Rosh HaShanah — the Jewish New Year.  It is both a joyous and a serious time of year.  Beginning a full month before the holiday, we spend time reflecting on our actions and omissions of the past year and look forward to a new and … Read more

Changing Realities Create Unexpected Opportunities

Tuesday, July 5, 2016   I spent last week in the UK on a speaking tour.  I met people and addressed audiences in England, Scotland and Wales and enjoyed every minute of it (except the cold rainy weather of course!)  But arriving in Great Britain just 2 days after the dramatic results of the Brexit … Read more