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Reflections From Israel

9th of Av

9th of Av

What is it? Tisha B’Av, the 9th day of the month of Av (this year celebrated on July 17-18, 2021), is the saddest day on the Jewish calendar. On that day, Jews fast, pray, and read from

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Welcoming a New Baby

Welcoming A New Baby There is no greater joy on earth than giving birth to a healthy baby. That moment when life bursts forth from the womb is probably the closest we, as human beings,

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Community @ Glance Tekoa Round I

Community at a Glance: Tekoa

Join me in our newest Community at a Glance video, where we visit Tekoa. Home to over 200 artists, Tekoa wishes to nurture its community’s affinity for culture and arts. It has recently created a local artists’ center, a hub for the arts in Biblical Israel, and a center of spiritual creativity.

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A Visit With Shmuel: Telem

Join me as I visit Telem, a small and isolated community of ninety families located just outside Hebron. The people of Telem, salt of the earth Zionist pioneers, have created a close-knit community where everyone is family.

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Community at a Glance: Bat Ayin

The rural setting of Bat Ayin, with its panoramic vistas and rugged Judean Hills just outside Gush Etzion, provides a peaceful reprieve from the hustle and bustle of city life. The serene natural surrounding is the ideal atmosphere for the spiritual center that is Bat Ayin.

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A Visit With Shmuel: Bat Ayin

I traveled to the beautiful Judean Hills to visit Bat Ayin, a small, very spiritual community located among the rugged hills just outside Gush Etzion. This community was established with one goal in mind: to create a purely God-centered life in a natural environment, away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

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What is Zionism?

Zionism was traditionally a Jewish issue.  Beginning in the mid-19th century, Jews began to explore the idea of a modern return to the Land of Israel before Messiah’s arrival.  Theodore Herzl founded the Zionist movement

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Does Passover relate to Easter?

Passover is one of the most loved and celebrated holidays in the Jewish faith. Easter is a particularly holy day for Christians as they celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But are these holidays connected in any way? They always fall very close to each other on the calendar – is that a coincidence?

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Community at a Glance: Einav

A visit to Einav today is a visit to a beautiful area of Samaria with young people who have recently joined the community alongside the old-timers, all proud of the jewel they have created in the center of Biblical Israel.

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A Visit with Shmuel: Einav

I was supposed to go to Einav on Tu B’Shvat and film their tree-planting ceremony, sponsored by you, our CFOIC Heartland donors and friends. But then Israel was plunged into lockdown and my visit had to be cancelled. So when life opened up again, I took the first opportunity to visit Einav and it was a fabulous day indeed.

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A Visit With Shmuel: Gevaot

In this episode, I drop by the village of Gevaot, a community of forty families in the hills of Gush Etzion. The people of Gevaot are truly modern-day pioneers who dedicate their lives to creating a thriving utopian community.

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