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Reflections From Israel

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Sondra Baras guest on Mining the Media podcast

Each winter we celebrate the Jewish Holiday of Tu B’Shvat, the 15th day of the Biblical 11th month, known in Hebrew as Shvat. It is a time when we all go out and plant trees, setting down roots in the Land of Israel and celebrating the return of the Jewish people to our land. This year was particularly joyous as it marked the first Tu B’Shvat after the Sabbatical year, when we did not plant any trees.

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War in Israel

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print War in Israel https://youtu.be/SKEy2Qhdn0Y Kimberly Troup, Christian Zionist director of CFOIC Heartland’s US office, and Tommy Waller, also a Christian Zionist, share their experiences and feelings on the developing war.

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Meet a Pioneer (23)

Meet Sarah from Karnei Shomron

Meet Sarah from Karnei Shomron! Join Maya Berretta as she interviews a Jewish pioneer, living in a community somewhere in Judea and Samaria. Meet the men and women who are personally fulfilling Biblical prophecy every single day.

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Reflections Yom Kippur

Reflections on Yom Kippur

Meet Rabbi David Feld from Kochav Yaakov! Join Maya Berretta as she interviews a Jewish pioneer, living in a community somewhere in Judea and Samaria. Meet the men and women who are personally fulfilling Biblical prophecy every single day.

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A Visit With Shmuel: A Terror Update from Judea & Samaria

Usually, we post a video about life in a particular community in Judea and Samaria, but we cannot do so this time. Unfortunately, over the last couple of months, our lives have been in danger on a consistent basis as we have sustained countless terror attacks all over the Biblical Heartland.

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Two Houses of Israel

In recent years, a new theology has become popular in some Christian circles, often referred to as the Two Houses of Israel. What exactly is this theology and how does it relate to Christian-Jewish relations?

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Meet a Pioneer (17)

Meet David from Kochav Yaakov

Meet Rabbi David Feld from Kochav Yaakov! Join Maya Berretta as she interviews a Jewish pioneer, living in a community somewhere in Judea and Samaria. Meet the men and women who are personally fulfilling Biblical prophecy every single day.

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A Visit With Shmuel: Rechan

Today, I want to share with you my recent visit to Rechan, a lovely community in Northern Samaria. This community is located in the center of Biblical and historical Israel and today it is a lovely oasis of Jewish life.

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Inspiring Children at Camp

Jews and Christians are sending their children to school programs with religious content. There is truly no better way to inspire a child and especially a teen-ager than through the informal education that is available at summer camps, weekend programs, vacation Bible school and similar activities.

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