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Tekoa, a vibrant community in the Judean Desert, needs additional surveillance to protect families from constant threats. Help them purchase cameras so they can protect their perimeter and keep a sharp eye on their surroundings. Facing the Unknown Click here for more project details Tekoa, a vibrant community in the Judean Desert, desperately needs additional … Read more


Einav needs an emergency generator and emergency center, to help manage emergencies more efficiently. By supporting this vital project, you’ll partner with the people of Einav, as they continue to grow in the Biblical Heartland. Ensuring Safety and Calm Click here for more project details Einav desperately needs an emergency generator and an emergency center, … Read more

Sde Boaz

Sde Boaz needs to upgrade its central playground to accommodate its growing community. Much more than a recreational area, a playground is essential for developing and strengthening community ties. Your gift today will bring joy! Swing, Climb & Jump with joy Click here for more project details Sde Boaz needs to upgrade its central playground … Read more


Telem, an isolated community in the Judean Hills, critically needs your help to add access gates around its security fence. These gates will ensure the security team has quick and immediate access during hostile threats. To Protect & Defend Click here for more project details Telem, an isolated and vulnerable community in the Judean Hills, … Read more

Sukkot 2024

You can wish a family in Samaria “Chag Sameach” (Happy Holiday) during Sukkot! I will bless those who Bless you. Gen. 12:3 One-third of families in the small communities of Judea and Samaria already face financial difficulties. Since the beginning of the war, many more families are experiencing economic hardship. Many Israelis have been called … Read more

Kiryat Arba

The Land of Judah Museum, in Kiryat Arba – Hebron, needs your help to continue providing quality programming for its senior citizens. The museum reaches out to Kiryat Arba’s seniors, offering them a unique educational experience. Connecting Seniors to Past & Future Click here for more project details The Land of Judah Museum, in Kiryat … Read more


Adorah needs help to landscape their library’s yard and to purchase equipment for a new music room. Landscaping will provide space for events, and a music room will give local youth the outlet they need. Thriving In Spite of Danger Click here for more project details Adorah needs your help to landscape their library’s yard … Read more

Maale Levona

Maale Levona must build a vital resource for its teens – a new youth center where teenagers can engage in stimulating programs and socialize with friends. Your gift will shape the next generation of pioneers. A Place to Connect Click here for more project details Maale Levona desperately needs your help building a vital resource … Read more


Your donation today will make a significant difference in the lives of Telem’s numerous young children. You can help provide them with a safe and nurturing environment that will enable them to grow and thrive. Keeping Precious Little Ones out of the cold Click here for more project details Your donation will make a significant … Read more


The people of Anatot desperately need to upgrade their security fence to protect themselves from terrorist threats. Your support will enable these pioneers to defend the men, women, and children of Anatot from blood-thirsty terrorists. Keeping Families Safe Click here for more project details The people of Anatot desperately need to upgrade their security fence … Read more