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Emergency and Security


The community of Ofra needs help to equip its security team with long-range radios to respond to threats and provide protection for families. With communication devices, Ofra’s responders will be able to stop violent terrorists. Equipping Heroes, Saving Lives Click here for more project details The community of Ofra desperately needs your help to equip … Read more

Rechalim Security Gate

Rechalim, a vulnerable community in Samaria, desperately needs a new security gate and a new Utility Task Vehicle to protect local families from the quickly rising security threats. Stand with the dedicated pioneers of Rechalim! Saving Lives without Delay Click here for more project details Rechalim, a vulnerable community in Samaria, desperately needs a new … Read more

Telem Emergency Medical Center

Telem, an isolated and vulnerable community in the Judean Hills, needs your help to build a regional emergency medical center. Your generosity will make a lasting impact, providing immediate medical care for pioneers in Judea! Building a lifeline in the judean hills Click here for more project details Telem, an isolated and vulnerable community in … Read more

Nofei Nehemiah

Nofei Nechemia must establish and equip an emergency center to protect local families from ongoing terrorist threats. Your generous gift will play a pivotal role in ensuring the well-being of the citizens of Nofei Nechemia Protecting a Noble Legacy Click here for more project details Nofei Nechemia desperately needs to establish and equip an emergency … Read more

Gush Etzion

The Gush Etzion Regional Council needs surveillance and security installations to protect and defend Jewish communities from the constant threat of terrorism. The dedicated pioneers of Gush Etzion have returned to resettle their ancestral homeland. Protecting a Jewish Presence in the Land Click here for more project details The Gush Etzion Regional Council desperately needs … Read more

Megilot Search & Rescue

The Megilot Search & Rescue Unit must purchase critical equipment to enable them to continue saving lives. Rain, shine, or flood, the Megilot Search & Rescue team is on call 24/7, 365 days a year. Equipping Modern Day Heroes Click here for more project details The Megilot Search & Rescue Unit urgently needs your help … Read more


The people of Sussya need help to fortify their security equipment to enable effective response to the constant terror they face. These inspiring pioneers dedicate their lives to reviving their land with humility and modesty. Defending threatened Families Click here for more project details The people of Sussya critically need your help to fortify their … Read more

Hebron Hills Security

The Hebron Hills Regional Council critically needs your help to purchase a security truck for patrolling the area. With your contribution, security personnel will have the resources to quickly respond to security threats and emergencies. Give Israel’s Guardians the Gift of Mobility Click here for more project details The Hebron Hills Regional Council critically needs … Read more


Roi urgently needs your help today to purchase security equipment to protect and defend their families from hostile attacks, including threats of arson and roadside shootings. Security is not a luxury; it is a necessity. Help Prevent the Next terror attack Click here for more project details Roi urgently needs your help to purchase security … Read more

Samaria Security

The dedicated pioneers of Samaria have returned to resettle in their ancestral homeland. The Samaria Regional Council needs surveillance and security equipment to protect and defend these Jewish communities from the constant threat of terrorism. Protecting Jewish Lives Click here for more project details The Samaria Regional Council desperately needs vital surveillance and security equipment … Read more