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Reflections from Israel

Man and God in the Month of Elul

meira and shlomo weber

The last month of the Jewish year, called Elul in Hebrew, is upon us. As the last month of the year, and the last month before the High Holidays, Elul is a time of self-reflection, a time to look inward and take mental stock of the year.

Why Visit Israel?

Feeling the presence of God in the Land of Israel is something that defies logic. God said that it was His Holy Mountain, and it is still His Holy Mountain.  My personal belief is that if God hadn’t chosen Israel, we would never hear of this tiny strip of land on the coast of the Mediterranean!  It wouldn’t be fought over, it wouldn’t be contested, and it would never make front page news. And yet it is.  An area that is 50 miles wide and 200 miles long is in the news every single day!

Rebuilding in the Wake of Destruction

Perhaps we are the generation who will, finally, put an end to anti-Semitism, to hatred within the Jewish people, to intolerance and bigotry.  Perhaps we will be the ones leading by example, teaching others how to counteract baseless hatred and come together in love. Perhaps we will be the ones to build the Third and final Temple.  Perhaps we can bring an end to the loss. Perhaps.

A Rose Among Thorns

Palestinian Hovel

In just one afternoon, I’d fallen in love with the strong pioneering attitude of the residents, the winding roads and lush greenery and bright homes, and the magnificent sunset panoramas of Einav. It is a place so vital to the pumping heartbeat of the Biblical Heartland, and a place well worth protecting.

Do you want to visit the Holy Land?

Do you want to visit the Holy Land?  I can remember as a child dreaming of a visit to the Land of Israel.  In those days, it was such a far-fetched idea, that it seemed as realistic as flying to the moon.  I still remember my very first trip to Israel, the incredible rush of emotion as the plane touched down at Ben Gurion Airport.  As the palm trees flashed by the window, I was unable to stop the tears flowing down my face.  My heart was so full and I hadn’t even stepped foot off of the plane yet!  Even today, I still get that same rush of emotion every time my plane touches down on the runway at Ben Gurion. There is nothing like coming home to Israel.

Hearts in the East

Before I made Aliyah, I used to hear lots of American Jews repeat the same Hebrew saying: libi b’mizrach v’anochi basof hama’arav. Translated, it means, “My heart is in the east, but I am in the west.”

The Miracle of the Six Day War

Even though the Six Day War happened before I was born, it shaped much of my life.  I grew up hearing stories of the miracles that took place during those short, yet brutal days of fighting.

Honoring the Pioneering Elders of Tomer

It’s the Fifth out of Ten Commandments. In Judaism, honoring one’s father and mother is a vital mitzvah (commandment) that recognizes the synthesis of God’s power to give life with the physical beings who help carry out that miracle of creation. More simply, it holds the key to the age-old success of the family unit. When children show honor towards their fathers and mothers, parents can be more effective caregivers, and children learn healthy guidance and how to follow rules.

You Have Saved Lives in Israel Today!

saving lives in israel

Every now and then, we get to witness something truly miraculous. Recently I was able to experience one such miracle, a miracle that you, and other donors of CFOIC Heartland, directly helped to bring about. It is a story that I can’t help but share.

The Price of a State

Zionism runs strong in my family, as deeply connected to my identity as my family name and my devotion to Orthodox Judaism. Zionism was simple when I was growing up in the United States, because all it took to be a Zionist was to love Israel.