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Reflections from Israel

It Is Time to Say Thank You

After a challenging year, we, the staff at CFOIC want to thank you, our supporters. Your prayers, donations, and continuous support have strengthened us and allowed us to continue our work in the Biblical Heartland. We couldn’t do it without you!

Heartland Story: “A Second Home” for The Children of Naaran

 On the morning of March 28, schoolchildren from the small community of Na’ama located just north of ancient Jericho in the Jordan Valley, boarded their school bus ready to start another typical school day. They had no idea that they would soon encounter a most terrifying and harrowing experience. As the school bus passed the … Read more

Heartland Story: Keeping One Step Ahead of Terrorism

Perched on the hills of Samaria just west of the Jordan Valley, the small community of Migdalim has persevered in the face of enormous challenge. Relatively isolated, surrounded by Arab towns and quite distant from Israel’s main population centers, Migdalim was founded in 1984 by a hardy group of pioneers focused on securing the People … Read more

Plato and the Prophet Jeremiah: A Tisha B’Av Teaching

Tisha B’av is the saddest day on the Jewish calendar, commemorating the destruction of both Temples and the suffering of the Jewish people. Delving into a conversation between the philosopher Plate and the prophet Jeremiah, Shmuel explores the question of what the Temple means and why people continue to mourn its loss.

Training Firefighters in Israel: An Interview with Timothy Wainwright

Bereaved of his wife and two daughters, all three of whom were killed in a terror attack during Passover last year, Rabbi Dee’s story is one of perseverance and resilience. Rabbi Dee provides all of us with much needed advice on how to make it through the most challenging stretches of life, particularly since October 7th.

Heartland Story: Protecting Samaria’s Residents after October 7th

As the sun sets of Fridays and the hustle and bustle of the week fades into the background, families in Judea and Samaria nestle into the sacred embrace of the sabbath. But one Friday evening, tranquility shattered as a sinister plot unfolded in Shaked, located in Northern Samaria.  As parents tenderly tucked their children into … Read more