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A Heartland Story-

Dov had started his own business and over the years grew it into a thriving enterprise. His wife Ruth, worked as an executive at a large company. Living comfortably with their 7 children they never dreamed that one day they would need a handout. Until it all came crashing down. 

What is Zionism?

Zionism was traditionally a Jewish issue.  Beginning in the mid-19th century, Jews began to explore the idea of a modern return to the Land of Israel before Messiah’s arrival.  Theodore Herzl founded the Zionist movement which acted politically to advance the idea of a modern Jewish state in the Land of Israel.  Jews who advocated … Read more

Holocaust Remembrance Day

April 6, 2021by Sondra Oster Baras Tomorrow night begins Holocaust Remembrance Day.  It is a day of mourning, of memory, of identification with the victims of the most heinous crimes in the history of humanity, the brutal murder of 6 million Jews by Nazi Germany.  Restaurants, theaters and places of entertainment close.  Memorial ceremonies are … Read more