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Welcoming a New Baby

Welcoming A New Baby There is no greater joy on earth than giving birth to a healthy baby. That moment when life bursts forth from the womb is probably the closest we, as human beings, can get to the Divine. And for God-fearing peoples all over the world, it is a time of thanksgiving, time … Read more

Community at a Glance: Tekoa

Join me in our newest Community at a Glance video, where we visit Tekoa. Home to over 200 artists, Tekoa wishes to nurture its community’s affinity for culture and arts. It has recently created a local artists’ center, a hub for the arts in Biblical Israel, and a center of spiritual creativity.

An Update from Israel June 14, 2021

For most of the last two years, Israel has been embroiled in an ongoing election campaign, with four elections taking place in less than two years. Most of the time, we were governed by transition governments and for a short time by a permanent government that only lasted a few months. It has been chaotic, to say the least.


Liebe Freunde, Dies ist eine schreckliche Zeit in Israel. Im ganzen Land ist Gewalt ausgebrochen, und wir werden von Arabern aus dem Inneren angegriffen, in Jerusalem und in Städten in ganz Israel, und von Arabern in Gaza, mit Raketen und Artilleriebeschuss. Menschen wurden getötet, auch Kinder, die in ihren Betten schliefen. Und die Araber, die … Read more