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Reflections on the Prayer For Our Children

June 2011   Today is June 14, but it is also the 12th day of the Hebrew month of Sivan, a month which boasts the Jewish holiday of Shavuot- Pentecost- the holiday celebrating the Giving of our Torah. It’s a very special holiday and a very special month… a time in which we are meant … Read more

People in My Neighborhood: Meet Mr. Gorman

Mr. Gorman

I was walking down my block,Hashikma Road, the other day and passed #20. There was a little red tricycle parked outside and a small plastic slide perched on the front lawn. I still do a double take when I realize there is a new, young family living there. To me, that will always be Mr. … Read more

Exciting Israeli Election – January 8, 2012

We are just two weeks away from national elections in Israel and it is, indeed, a unique election campaign.  Not so much because the parties have changed their strategies or because the campaign slogans are surprising, but because, for the first time in decades, the outcome of the elections is a foregone conclusion.  Everyone, even … Read more

Dezember 2011

Dezember 2011 einmal im Jahr nutze ich die Gelegenheit, Ihnen direkt zu schreiben. Ich möchte Ihnen damit  im Namen der christlichen Leitung von CFOIC Biblisches Kernland meinen persönlichen Dank für die Unterstützung unserer Arbeit aussprechen. Vielen Dank, dass Sie CFOIC Biblisches Kernland in diesem Jahr unterstützt haben. Mit Hilfe so treuer Freunde wie Sie konnten … Read more