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Lies and Propaganda versus Truth – June 11, 2013

I remember as a young child, when the Six Day War occurred, we heard Arab reports on the television and radio that were diametrically opposed to the reports coming out of Israel.  The Arabs boasted ongoing victory while the Jews reported ongoing defeat of their Arab enemy.  At the end of the war it became … Read more

Biblical Israel Or West Bank? by Margy Pezdirtz

Recently I heard a well informed pastor tell of the many biblical events that happened in Judea and Samaria – that part of Israel that the modern world has come to call the West Bank. Although I’ve studied these events many times and am very familiar with them, I don’t believe I had ever lined … Read more

Calling Evil Good – May 14, 2013

I was in the US a few weeks ago, arriving in Boston just a few days after the terrorist attack on the Boston Marathon and just hours after one of the terrorists had been captured.  Following the chain of events on television before leaving Israel, I was reminded of the many similar terrorist attacks that … Read more

April 2013

der Frühling ist da! In Israel hat er in diesem Jahr früh begonnen. Als wir unsere Häuser putzten und für das Pessachfest vorbereiteten, war es warm, sogar heiß, sonnig und einfach herrlich. Nach dem wunderbar regnerischen Winter sind die Berge in Samaria grüner als jemals zuvor und im ganzen Land blühen die Wildblumen. Während ich … Read more