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Israel Independence Day

May 6, 2014 Sondra Oster Baras It was a wonderful day!  Today, we celebrated  Israel Independence Day, honoring 66 years of statehood, the rebirth of the Nation of Israel in the Land of Israel. The festivities began last night, after 24 hours dedicated to mourning the soldiers who gave their lives to protect the nation, … Read more

The Glory of Children is Their Parents

Spring 2014 Gush Etzion Seniors For as long as she can remember, she experienced difficulty eating, trouble speaking, not to mention the blow to her self esteem, and the psychosocial ramifications of her condition. Ella Furman was born in the former Soviet Union, in 1947 with a cleft palate. Cleft palate is a condition in … Read more

A Fresh Look At Peace

January 2014 US Secretary of State John Kerry just spent 24 hours in Israel, trying, yet again, to jump-start negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.  When this round of US-brokered negotiations began, the parties agreed to negotiate for nine months and the US expressed confidence that an agreement would be produced at the conclusion of … Read more

Standing Tall For Israel

Today is the first day of Adar, the Hebrew month corresponding to the 11th Biblical month.  There is an ancient Hebrew saying:  “When Adar begins, we revel in happiness.”  The reason for the joyous nature of the month is the occurrence, on the 14th day of the month, of the holiday of Purim.  On this … Read more