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I Will Give this Land to Your Children

Tuesday  August 2, 2016 Summer is raging in Israel.  And that is a good thing.  I love the summer months.  I love the heat, the sun, the warm air enveloping me and reminding me how beautiful this country is.  I walk out of my house in the morning and see the sun shining and it … Read more

Summer 2016

“Rise Before the Aged” For years CFOIC Heartland supporters have taken the lead in helping the senior citizens of Tekoa. From providing much needed dental aid for an elderly immigrant, to assisting the community’s “Meals on Wheels” program; you, our devoted supporters, have been there to help. Recently, social workers from the Gush Etzion Regional … Read more

Changing Realities Create Unexpected Opportunities

Tuesday, July 5, 2016   I spent last week in the UK on a speaking tour.  I met people and addressed audiences in England, Scotland and Wales and enjoyed every minute of it (except the cold rainy weather of course!)  But arriving in Great Britain just 2 days after the dramatic results of the Brexit … Read more

The Politics of Israel – The What and The Who

Tuesday, June 7, 2016   This has been a very political few weeks in Israel and I know many of our friends outside of Israel find it difficult to keep it all straight.  So I thought I would try and clarify things a bit. A year ago, there were national elections in Israel and the … Read more