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Who “Owns” the Land of Israel? Part 1

God’s borders, then, are not set by governments or political parties. When I think about all of the borders that have been drawn and re-drawn in my short lifetime, I find it amazing that the borders of Israel cause so much angst for almost every nation on earth!

Winter 2017

Will you help the elderly stay warm this winter?   Did you know that the winter can be a particularly challenging time for the elderly? Heating during the winter months is crucial, literally a matter of life or death for the Elderly. The harsh cold can put them at risk for disease and other complications. … Read more

L’Shana Tova (Happy New Year!)

Tuesday, October 11, 2016 Yesterday and the day before were Rosh HaShanah — the Jewish New Year.  It is both a joyous and a serious time of year.  Beginning a full month before the holiday, we spend time reflecting on our actions and omissions of the past year and look forward to a new and … Read more

Shabbat — the most important symbol of Jewish identity?

Tuesday, September 6, 2016 September is here and with it comes so many new beginnings.  School starts on the 1st of September and children begin pre-school or school on that day.  Often Rosh HaShana, the Jewish New Year, also begins in September but this year Rosh HaShana is late and will only begin in early … Read more