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Thank you for touching lives

Spring of 2017 Nothing is more painful than standing helplessly by as a child is marginalized by society—no matter the reason. We believe that all children deserve a chance to become the best version of themselves. At the end of 2016, we gave you the opportunity to make a real difference in the life of … Read more

United by Love and Devotion

March was an exceedingly busy month for us at the CFOIC Heartland Israel office for one very good reason — we were inundated with tour groups visiting with us from all over the world.  I am not sure why so many people chose March for their visit but it was wonderful!  We had the privilege … Read more

A Historic Visit in Australia

Hope Despite the Tragedy of Ofra Tuesday, March 7, 2017 I have just returned from a wonderful trip to Australia where I spent 10 days travelling and speaking in three states: New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland.  It was my seventh trip to Australia in as many years and each year I feel more gratified … Read more

Who “Owns” the Land of Israel – Part 2

The area was called the Land of Israel or Judea (a place belonging to Jews) from Biblical times until 135 AD, when the Roman Emperor Hadrian changed the name of the province from Judea to Syria Palaestina, a brilliant PR stunt to sever the Jewish people’s connection to the region. This was done following the Jewish Bar Kokhba revolt against the Roman Empire. For most of the period between 135 AD and May 15, 1948, the area was referred to as Palestine or the Land of Israel.