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News From the Land

Yehuda (R) and Itamar (middle) the night before the  murder

What Do You Say To A Child Whose Father Was Murdered?

We cannot change the past nor bring back the dead.  But we can encourage and strengthen the living.  We can reach out to the brave men, women and children of Judea and Samaria and give them what they need, when they need it.  I hope you will help us help them.  I hope you will continue to partner with us as we strengthen the Jewish presence in the Biblical Heartland.

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Change is not Always a Good Thing

We cannot know what 2018 will have in store for us.  Will we lose a loved one?  Will we suffer illness or tragedy?  I certainly hope not.  But we are not in control.  We can do our best; we can do what we believe G-d is expecting of us, but we know that G-d is in control. 

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Karnei Shomron View

Lessons from a Cellphone

We came to Samaria to reclaim our ancient heritage and settle the land that G-d gave to us, the land that G-d promised we would one day restore and rebuild.  But we didn’t come seeking war.  We came in peace, eager to get to know our Arab neighbors.  We respected their property rights and only sought to settle in the areas that had not been settled before — and there was plenty of land to go around.

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MK Yuli Edelshtein, speaker of the Knesset.

Volunteer for Israel – a Wonderful Way to Help!

The thunderous applause I received from the audience sent a clear message to the Members of Knesset, who themselves are very supportive of Judea and Samaria, that you have their back. That they have strong international support for their stand on Biblical Israel. MK Rabbi Yehuda Glick stressed, Israel should be the focus of the world, a place where everyone will recognize G-d and come to worship Him in Jerusalem, on the Temple Mount. But what was probably most special about the event was how nearly everyone there, Jew, Christian and MK, expressed their ultimate gratitude to G-d for the miracles that we are witnessing in our day.

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Murder is Murder is Murder

A person who takes a gun or explosives or a knife and seeks out victims whom he doesn’t know, who have not harmed him in any way, who do not threaten his safety and security, and who murders those people in cold blood — this is a horrific crime that has no place in human society. This is murder and there can be no understanding and no acceptance of this act.

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Aliyah in Practice – Fulfilling Prophecy!

This is what Israel is all about. We have come from the four corners of the earth to build one nation, one country. Our enemies say the Jews should go back to Poland. But we are not from Poland, nor are we from the United States nor from Yemen. We are from the Land of Israel.

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August 1, 2017 By: Sondra Baras Today is the 9th of Av, the day according to the Hebrew calendar that commemorates the destruction of both Temples in Jerusalem: Solomon’s Temple and Herod’s Temple (which was a rebuilt version of the earlier Temple of Ezra and Nehemiah).  For centuries, this date marked the terrible fate that

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Faith Christian Academy Basketball lo res

Basketball, American Navy and India

It is gratifying to read about the prime minister of India visiting Israel and about the enormous naval carrier docking in Haifa. But when young people who are being taught to love Israel from childhood come to Israel to express their love and support, people to people, there is no better gift for Israel.

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Shifting Alliances in a Dangerous Middle East

Terrible news has come out of England in these past few days. First a horrific massacre at a concert in Manchester and then just days later, a coordinated attack in the center of London. ISIS took responsibility for the attacks. England is reeling and in Israel we understand. ISIS and their bedfellows have declared war on us all.

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A group from Italy visiting Israel!

United by Love and Devotion

March was an exceedingly busy month for us at the CFOIC Heartland Israel office for one very good reason — we were inundated with tour groups visiting with us from all over the world.  I am not sure why so many people chose March for their visit but it was wonderful!  We had the privilege

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A Historic Visit in Australia

Hope Despite the Tragedy of Ofra Tuesday, March 7, 2017 I have just returned from a wonderful trip to Australia where I spent 10 days travelling and speaking in three states: New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland.  It was my seventh trip to Australia in as many years and each year I feel more gratified

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