This year, we are asking for your help. A needy family in Samaria is struggling to feed their family and prepare for the Passover holiday. Here is the story of one family who needs your help…
After the birth of their second child, Meira sunk into a debilitating depression, unable to care for her newborn baby, developmentally delayed toddler, or go to work. Her husband Ehud was suddenly solely responsible for the family’s well-being and financial needs. As the family’s only breadwinner, this put the family in tremendous financial straits. Ehud’s meager income can barely stretch far enough to cover a basic standard of living. Every missed day of work to take Meira for treatment, their child to therapy, or to take care of things at home further reduces Ehud’s paycheck. And add the costs of medication for Meira, her treatments, and the cost of therapies needed for their child, all cut into their grocery budget.
Ehud is desperate – how will he feed his family?
You can help! Your donation today will provide Ehud and Meira, and other families just like them, vouchers so they can purchase food for Passover. Your gift will shower blessings on a needy family in Samaria, enabling them to celebrate the miracle of the Exodus with a spirit of joy and plentiful food on their table. Thank you for giving as generously as you can. Even a small gift can make a huge difference for a struggling family. Thank you for blessing a family this Passover.
If you have already given a gift this year to help a family celebrate Passover, THANK YOU! We so appreciate your generosity and your dedication to the men, women, and children who are fulfilling prophecy in the heart of Biblical Israel.
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