Pesach (Passover)
Shabbat Shalom! This week we’re sharing an Orthodox Jewish commentary on the traditional reading of Song of Songs during Passover with Sondra Oster Baras.
Shabbat Shalom! This week we’re sharing an Orthodox Jewish commentary on the traditional reading of Song of Songs during Passover with Sondra Oster Baras.
Every year CFOIC Heartland raises funds to help needy families with their Passover purchases. This year, with your gifts we were able to bless 500 families! We couldn’t have done it without help from you, our faithful donors! Join Shmuel as he shares the impact of your donations and gives an introduction to the holiday … Read more
This week’s Torah portion, Mezora talks about disease! But what exactly is this disease, often translated as “leprosy”? CFOIC’s founder and International President Sondra Baras gave an interview on First Century Foundations. Sondra and host Jeff discussed the terms “West Bank” and “Settler” and life in the Biblical Heartland.
Nestled in the hills of the Benjamin region in Samaria near the historic Mount Baal Hazor, Ofra is more than just a suburban area. It is a testament to the timeless bond between the people of Israel and the land God promised them.
This week we read portion Tazria, but Shmuel is already looking ahead to next week’s portion, Mezora which deals with the topic of leprosy. Could leprosy be a tool to help the affected person?
In this week’s video, I introduce you to Telem and Adora, two small but resilient communities located directly northwest of the ancient Biblical city of Hebron. The 1,000 brave pioneers of Telem and Adora live courageously amidst a sea of hundreds of thousands of hostile Arabs.
Liebe Freunde, Während ich Ihnen jetzt schreibe, liegt in ganz Israel eine spürbare Beunruhigung in der Luft. In ihrer laufenden Kampagne im Gazastreifen hat die israelische Armee die Zerschlagung der letzten verbleibenden Bastion der Hamas im Gazastreifen, die sich … Read more
In this week’s video Shmuel discusses the foundation for the laws of kosher food, as well as his personal adventures of keeping kosher as a world traveler.
Beste Vriend, Terwijl ik u schrijf, hangt er in heel Israël een tastbaar gevoel van ongerustheid in de lucht. In haar voortdurende campagne in Gaza heeft de IDF haar zinnen gezet op … Read more