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Oktober 2013

Die Feiertage sind vorbei, wir kommen zur täglichen Routine zurück und schauen auf das restliche Jahr. Der erste jüdische Monat nach den Feiertagen ist Heshvan, in welchem wir beginnen, für Regen zu beten. Das Gebet um Regen ist nicht nur ein Satz, der zu unseren regelmäßigen Gebeten hinzugefügt wird – es führt in eine geistige … Read more

Oktober 2013

De feestdagen zijn voorbij en het is tijd om weer terug te gaan naar het leven van alle dag en vooruit te kijken op de rest van het jaar. De eerste Hebreeuwse maand na de feesten is Heshvan en het is de maand waarin we beginnen te bidden om regen, De bede om regen is … Read more

Reflections on the Hebrew Language

  To me, part of the thrill of living in Israel is the language. Until I moved here, Hebrew was the language of my prayer book, the language in which the Torah Portion of the Week was read aloud in synagogue, the language of the Bible. Granted, when I went to Bible classes, as a … Read more

Reflections on Prayer: U’Netaneh Tokef Kedushat Hayo

It’s hard to believe that it’s been only three days since the High Holy Days passed…  Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and ten days later, Yom Kippur, the Day of Repentance, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar.  In just two days the Feast of Tabernacles begins and we make a mood switch from … Read more

Israel’s Choice – Then and Now

The news in Israel is focusing on two subjects right now: Syria and Yom Kippur.  Yom Kippur, otherwise known as the Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the year when Jews all over the world spend the day in fasting and prayer.  This year, though, marked the 40th anniversary of the Yom Kippur … Read more

September 2013

Deze maand is gevuld met Joodse feesten, te beginnen met Rosh HaShanah, het Joodse Nieuwjaar op 4 september en aan het einde Simchat Torah, de Vreugde der Wet, het feest dat het geschenk van de Bijbel viert op 27 september. De feestelijke dagen beginnen met aandacht voor gebed en inkeer en sluiten af met vreugdevol … Read more

September 2013

Dieser Monat ist voller jüdischer Feiertage, die am 4. September mit Rosch HaSchana, dem jüdischen Neujahr beginnen und am 27. September mit Simchat Tora, dem Tag der Freude über die Bibel abschließen. Die Feiertage beginnen mit intensiven Gebeten und Selbstprüfung und enden mit fröhlichem Tanzen und Singen. Während dieser Zeit gibt es viele festliche Essen … Read more

Reflections on Rosh Hashanah

I hosted a crowd at my home for the Rosh Hashanah holidays.  Add that to me, my husband, kids and grandkids, and we were quite a house full.  Lots of people to house, feed, and keep happy. The basement was set up with guest beds and a crib.  My daughter offered to move out of … Read more

Reflections on Hitchhiking

I just dropped my son Avraham off at the main entrance to our community.  He groaned when he saw the crowds standing near the guard booth, knowing he had a wait ahead of him for a ride.  He was on his way back up north to his  Israeli yeshiva program combining military service with Torah … Read more

Being a Grandparent – Joy and Traditions – August 20, 2013

We have just returned from our annual summer vacation with our children and it was wonderful!  We hiked in the rivers and valleys of the Galilee and the Golan Heights, splashed in the streams and springs of the North and just enjoyed our time together.  When the children were young, all of our children went … Read more