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Pinchas (Phinehas) – Numbers 25:10 – 30:1

Phineas boldly confronted the evil in the midst of the camp and was rewarded with a covenant of peace. The Lubavitcher Rebbe said that Phineas was prepared to sacrifice himself for his people, which was fitting as they prepared to enter the land of Israel.

Balak (Balak) – Numbers 22:2 – 25:9

The Children of Israel’s enemies choose to engage in spiritual warfare after being unable to defeat Israel with swords in Portion Balak. Yet the Prophet Balam is a huge disappointment after he is unable to fulfill his contract to curse Israel. This is a weird story!


                                              Beste Vriend, Terwijl ik deze brief aan u schrijf, viert het Volk van Israël de succesvolle redding van vier van de gijzelaars die al acht maanden in gevangenschap waren  door Hamas. Noa … Read more


                                 Liebe Freunde, Während ich diesen Brief an Sie schreibe, feiert das israelische Volk die erfolgreiche Befreiung von vier Geiseln, die acht Monate lang von der Hamas gefangen gehalten worden waren. Noa Argamani (26), Schlomi Ziv (41), Andrey Koslov (27) … Read more

Hukat (Statute) – Numbers 19:1 – 22:1

This week’s portion, Hukat, is action packed. The red heifer is introduced, Miriam and Aaron both die, and Moses strikes a rock in anger to bring forth water. Moses then faces serious consequences for striking the rock instead of speaking to it. There are so many explanations for this story that Shmuel compiled a list!

Training Firefighters in Israel: An Interview with Timothy Wainwright

Bereaved of his wife and two daughters, all three of whom were killed in a terror attack during Passover last year, Rabbi Dee’s story is one of perseverance and resilience. Rabbi Dee provides all of us with much needed advice on how to make it through the most challenging stretches of life, particularly since October 7th.

Shelach (Send Forth) – Numbers 13:1 – 15:41

This week’s Torah portion Shelach, recounts a dramatic moment in Israel’s history: the sin of the spies. This familiar story raises questions, like why did the spies, leaders among the children of Israel, give a bad report? Did the leaders fear that they would lose their closeness to G-d once they entered the Land?

A Tale of a Cemetery

On October 7th, there were four graves in the military cemetery. There are now 10 and tractors are busily at work to expand the cemetery.