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The people of Anatot desperately need to upgrade their security fence to protect themselves from terrorist threats. Your support will enable these pioneers to defend the men, women, and children of Anatot from blood-thirsty terrorists.

The people of Anatot desperately need to upgrade their security fence to protect themselves from terrorist threats. Your support for this urgent need will enable these brave pioneers to defend the men, women, and children of Anatot from blood-thirsty terrorists. Your donation today will save lives, stopping terrorists before they can attack!

Surrounded by a vast panorama of the Judean Desert, Anatot is extremely vulnerable to terrorist attacks

Surrounded by a vast panorama of the Judean Desert, Anatot is extremely vulnerable to terrorist attacks

The people of Anatot desperately need to upgrade their security fence to protect themselves from terrorist threats. Your support for this urgent need will enable these brave pioneers to defend the men, women, and children of Anatot from blood-thirsty terrorists. Your donation today will save lives, stopping terrorists before they can attack!

Your donation will protect families and save lives in a community like Anatot. Thank you!