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Year: 2023


                                    Een opwindende verandering na 25 jaar!         Dit is een bijzonder moeilijke brief voor mij om te schrijven.  En ook een bijzondere.  Al meer dan 25 jaar ben ik directeur van de organisatie die … Read more

August 2023 Heartland Highlight: Kochav Yaakov

Kochav Yaakov is asking you to help cover the cost of hot lunches for the needy children of their community. These caring pioneers need your help to ensure no child in their community will go hungry.

A Time of Terrible Tension

Israel is going through a very hard time. The Judicial Reform that was first introduced by the government seven months ago has created a huge storm of protest and dissension both in the Knesset and on the streets.

Inspiring Children at Camp

Jews and Christians are sending their children to school programs with religious content. There is truly no better way to inspire a child and especially a teen-ager than through the informal education that is available at summer camps, weekend programs, vacation Bible school and similar activities.

Matot/Masei  (Tribes/Travel) Numbers 30:2 – 36:13

The people of Israel are the only people in the world who were exiled from their land for 2,000 years and yet remained intact as a people and as a faith. What kept us going all those years was the fact that we had the Torah, the Bible, as a guide through the years of exile, and we had a land to yearn for.

A Visit With Shmuel: Mevo Dotan

I recently had the pleasure of visiting Mevo Dotan in Northern Samaria and actually felt like I was witnessing a miracle. This is a community that was founded back in the 80’s with great views and good people. But then came the Second Intifada and life came crashing down.

Pinchas (Phinehas) – Numbers 25:10 – 30:1

Numbers 27:12-23: “And G-d said to Moses, Go up to this Mt. Avarim and see the land that I have given to the Children of Israel.” So begins a moving dialogue between G-d and Moses towards the end of Moses’ life.

Balak (Balak) – Numbers 22:2 – 25:9

The story of Balaam and his desire to curse the children of Israel is a fabulous one. At the request of Balak, King of Moab, he tries to curse Israel, but at each opportunity, G-d prevents him from doing so. Finally, without a choice, he blesses the nation of Israel in some of the most beautiful verses in the Bible.


                                                               Unsere Familie – unsere Identität und unsere Stärke   Liebe Freunde, Wo immer ich hinkomme und wann immer ich einige unserer christlichen Freunde treffe, … Read more