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Alon is a growing community in the Judean Desert. They need your help to expand their library building. Your donation will provide vital resources for their children, teens, and adults as they settle Biblical Israel. Nurturing a Community’s Heart & Soul Click here for more project details Alon is a growing community in the Judean … Read more


Alon desperately needs your help to purchase additional surveillance cameras to monitor its perimeter. Without your help, the community is vulnerable to terrorist attacks. Your donation today to help purchase surveillance equipment can save lives! Providing AVigilant Eye Click here for more project details Alon, a vibrant community in the Judean Desert, desperately needs your … Read more

Meet Alon and Yakir

Road inside Alon On my first day visiting communities, I went to Alon, a community northeast of Jerusalem, along the Jericho Road.  Rabbi Danny Segal and Dikla Zenter met me outside the community in a large parking lot.  Rabbi Segal is the community rabbi and Dikla is the head of social services in the community.  … Read more