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A Visit With Shmuel: Adora and Telem

In this week’s video, I introduce you to Telem and Adora, two small but resilient communities located directly northwest of the ancient Biblical city of Hebron. The 1,000 brave pioneers of Telem and Adora live courageously amidst a sea of hundreds of thousands of hostile Arabs.


Adorah needs help to landscape their library’s yard and to purchase equipment for a new music room. Landscaping will provide space for events, and a music room will give local youth the outlet they need. Thriving In Spite of Danger Click here for more project details Adorah needs your help to landscape their library’s yard … Read more

Adorah: Thank YOU!

Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Share on email Email Share on print Print Thank YOU!! We have received this thank you letter from Adorah for your contribution toward their security needs. But you, our donors and supporters, are the ones who really make it all happen.   The thanks … Read more