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Meet Sarah from Karnei Shomron


You'll love hearing Sarah's story!

CFOIC Heartland is proud to introduce the latest episode of Meet a Pioneer in Biblical Israel. Join Maya Berretta as she interviews a Jewish pioneer, living in a community somewhere in Judea and Samaria. Meet the men and women who are personally fulfilling Biblical prophecy every single day. Click on the video above to gain an intimate glimpse at their home environment, their daily reality, and their motivation for settling the Biblical Heartland.

4 thoughts on “Meet Sarah from Karnei Shomron”

  1. Our men prayed exclusively for you again this morning at Daniels Prayer Ministry in Olympia where Sondra has visited. G-d has not forgotten You!

  2. Thank you for sharing Sarah, it makes the situation so much more personal to me .
    Sondra visited with me in June and I have been to Karnei Shomron a few times, so all of you and your beautiful Community are much on my mind and in my prayers at this awful time.
    With much love and prayers from the UK.
    Sue x

  3. Dear Sarah,
    Thank you so much for sharing how everyday life is for you at this trying time. We are praying for you and your countrymen and
    sincerely hope it will be over soon. Let God have this, let him do the heavy lifting. He has a plan for all of us. I live far away in Lowell, Oregon. Take care.
    With Love,
    Lonna Bennett


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