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Reflections From Israel

Samaria food

Israel has shut down

Schools are closed. Offices, restaurants, factories, and workplaces are locked and shuttered, their workers holed up in their homes with bated breath, waiting for the newest update, the newest mandate, the newest rule we must follow to keep ourselves safe from disease.

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Rejoice in the Relationship

When I was very little, my father took me outside on the eve of the first day of Adar, the Hebrew month in which we celebrate the holiday of Purim. Evening was a deep blue bowl studded with glittering stars.

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Heart of Benjamin- 3

The Least of These

Because of Christians like you, who care about special needs children and their families who are living in Biblical Israel, Heart of Benjamin is a reality!

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falafel stand in Israel

Hey, Brother

  January 14, 2020By: Meira Weber In Israel, there is an endearing yet perplexing tradition of calling complete strangers “achi” – “my brother.” I used to think it was funny, like a sarcastic, ingratiating nickname

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israel nativity small

How I celebrate Christmas

I know for many who love Israel and follow the Hebraic roots of our faith, whether or not to celebrate Christmas can be a real struggle.  And I usually get some chastising notes and emails from well-meaning folks who are aghast that I allow a pagan Christmas tree in my home, when I should know better!  So I will apologize in advance if talking about Christmas or saying “Merry Christmas” is offensive to you. 

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Chanukah meria

Chanukah Nights

My sisters and I returned home from school on that first night of Chanukah the year we moved, myself only nine years old, ears and nose bright red from cold. Inside the house, hand-drawn decorations

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give thanks thanksgiving

The Sacrifice of Thanksgiving

For the Lord comforts Zion; he comforts all her waste places and makes her wilderness like Eden, her desert like the garden of the Lord; joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the voice of song. Isaiah 51:3

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Kim March 2013 Israel Tour 001

Is it Safe to go to Israel?

do know that I’ve never felt safer than when I am in Israel.  Because it truly is the Holy Land and because I am right where God wants me to be, there is an incredible sense of peace as you walk the land. 

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Sukkot torah school

Spread His shelter of peace over us!

There is something very innate about wanting to create a space or shelter for ourselves. This is why I’ve always liked the holiday of Sukkot. During this week-long festival we get to live in temporary huts topped with branches and often beautifully decorated with artwork, flowers, and foliage.

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