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November 2023

November 2023

           Dear Friend of Israel,

We are facing a situation we fervently hoped and prayed would never come – the grim reality of war in Israel. I am sure you are praying and thinking of us as you watch the awful news. Your unwavering support over the years has been instrumental in ensuring the safety and security of our communities in Judea and Samaria. Yet, as the world’s attention is on the Hamas terrorist organization’s brutal war against Israel, we have a critical message regarding the situation in the Biblical Heartland. The safety and well-being of our communities in Judea and Samaria will always remain paramount. However, this war has brought significant changes to our region. We have observed an alarming rise in vocal support for Hamas among some of our local Arab neighbors and have witnessed direct actions signaling their intentions to align with Hamas during these challenging times. The increasing security threats have placed communities in substantial danger, with a critical need for additional security equipment. Through the years, the unwavering support of CFOIC Heartland’s donors has helped provide these communities with vital security equipment. But now, in light of the new reality, many communities are facing new, more urgent challenges.

We always knew how evil our enemy in Gaza was. More than a stark reminder to us, the events of October 7th served as a wake-up call for the rest of the world to the brutality and ruthlessness of our adversaries. As Jews, we place our trust in God and fervently pray for better days. Our resolve remains unshaken, and we will continue to do everything we can to support the communities of Judea and Samaria. We refuse to put our heads in the sand. We stand firmly on our right to defend ourselves from those who seek our destruction. We are preparing to do everything within our power to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the heroes who have valiantly defended their homes and communities in the South.

Your continued support remains invaluable. Together, we are making a difference in providing the necessary safety and stability that the dedicated pioneers of the Biblical Heartland need to protect their families and communities. As we enter the season of Thanksgiving, I want to personally thank you for standing with us during these challenging times.

With heartfelt gratitude,


Shmuel Junger
Director, Israel Office

P.S. Enclosed with this letter, is a Heartland Story about the community of Sansana. In it, you will read
about the surveillance cameras generous donors like you provided to help keep the families of Sansana safe.
These cameras are especially vital in our current situation, keeping a constant watch for approaching terrorists.
I am also sending you a special Newsletter about the current war in Israel. If you would like to give one to
your friends, family, or congregation, please call Kim at 719-683-2041 to request additional copies.