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Reflections from Israel

When Christians Adopt Jewish Customs

As Christians become more involved in Israel and get to know Jews and Jewish customs, some are adopting these customs. What is this all about? How do Jews view this phenomenon?

Should Christians Evangelize Jews?

Sondra Oster Baras engages Tommy Waller, passionate Christian Zionist and founder and director of HaYovel, in a fascinating discussion on a topic that often divides Christians and Jews: Should Christians evangelize Jews and how and why do Jews respond to attempts to evangelize them in an extremely negative way?

The Helpers

Levav smiling showing that she has paint on her hands

Israel is a celebration of Jewish strength. And from the beginning, it was the youth who took the lead in the fighting, settling, and sacrifices that were essential to the creation and sustenance of the new State of Israel.

Re-Living Passover

This re-living of the Passover story is a monumental event in the Jewish calendar, and every year, families convene to celebrate together.

Passover Holiday

Cooking for Passover is a bit like preparing for Christmas dinner, except that it’s three Christmas dinners in a row, no bread is allowed, and the whole extended family has turned out to attend!

Israel has shut down

Schools are closed. Offices, restaurants, factories, and workplaces are locked and shuttered, their workers holed up in their homes with bated breath, waiting for the newest update, the newest mandate, the newest rule we must follow to keep ourselves safe from disease.

Rejoice in the Relationship


When I was very little, my father took me outside on the eve of the first day of Adar, the Hebrew month in which we celebrate the holiday of Purim. Evening was a deep blue bowl studded with glittering stars.

The Least of These

Because of Christians like you, who care about special needs children and their families who are living in Biblical Israel, Heart of Benjamin is a reality!

Cultivating the Land of Biblical Israel

That first day, everything I had ever thought about farming went right out the window. I hauled heavy irrigation tubes and I hacked at spiny weeds between the neat rows of sprouting green-tipped onions.