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The Ninth of Av – August 9, 2011

Today is the 9th of Av, the saddest day on the Jewish calendar. On this day, we mourn the destruction of both the first and second temples, 2597 and 1941 years ago, respectively. However, this date on the Hebrew calendar has become associated with so many national tragedies throughout our history, beginning with the fateful … Read more

Glen Beck – July 12, 2011

I have just returned from an amazing experience in the Israeli Knesset. Popular US television and radio commentator, Glen Beck, was a guest of the Knesset and I was invited to participate in the meeting with him. There were a number of Members of Knesset present at the meeting, as well as members of the … Read more

December 2011

December 2011   Een keer per jaar neem ik de gelegenheid om me namens de christelijke leiding van CFOIC-Hartland direct tot u te richten en mijn persoonlijke dank uit ts spreken voor uw steun aan ons werk.  Bedankt dat u achter ons gestaan heeft dit jaar. Omdat we zulke trouwe vrienden als u hebben, konden … Read more