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Planting Trees – February 7, 2012

Tomorrow is Tu B’Shvat, the annual holiday of trees.  Although this day was well known in Jewish sources for centuries, since the beginning of the 20th century, when Jews began returning to the Land of Israel in large numbers, this day took on greater significance.  The early Zionist pioneers found a desolate land, with a … Read more

People of the Book – A Tale of Two Cities

May 2011 Thousands of years ago, the people of Israel stood at the foot of Mount Sinai, and received the Torah… the word of G- d. “And these words… shall be on your heart. You shall teach them to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you … Read more

Februari 2012

Februari 2012 We hebben een paar echte geode regenbuien gehad in Israel de laatste weken. Eén sabbat plenste het de hele vrijdagavond. Na terugkomst uit de synagoge op vrijdagavond, genoten we van de warmte van de eetkamer aan een hete en voortreffelijke maaltijd. We babbelden over waar we deze week waren geweest en wat we … Read more

Elections in Israel and America – January 10, 2012

Israeli politics are known for their volatility and unexpectedness. There have only been 6 Israeli governments which served their full term, the last one ending in 1988. The Knesset (Israeli Parliament) generally finds a reason to disband the government before the end of its term and call for full parliamentary elections. Usually, there is ongoing … Read more