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People in My Neighborhood: Shalom

FEBRUARY 2012   He’s our car mechanic.  His garage is conveniently located in the Industrial Area right outside Karnei Shomron.  But Shalom is also my neighbor, his house on the block parallel to mine.  Shalom is an interesting personality.  When you go to drop off your car, you may get an earful of male chauvinism, … Read more

Reflections on Adar

 The month of Adar always keeps me on an emotional roller coaster. Usually coinciding with the month of March, it is a natural time of happiness. The jolly, festive holiday of Purim falls in the middle of Adar, and for weeks beforehand, schools, kinder- gartens, synagogues, and entire neighborhoods enlist to join in the celebratory … Read more


December 2011 Ds.Henk Poot Meditatie ‘In de mensen een welbehagen’                          Lucas 2: 14  Eén van de meest gezongen kerstliederen is het ‘Ere zij God’. Er gaat geen viering voorbij of het wordt met dit gezang afgesloten, staande, als dank aan God, maar ook vervuld met een diep verlangen. Het ‘vrede op aarde’ klinkt daarin als … Read more

The Joy of Sharing Shabbat – February 12, 2013

As I write this newsletter, I am in Australia on what has become an annual February trip.  This is my third visit to this far away country and, as always, I so enjoy the people, the landscapes and the weather.  Although the news was full of terrible floods and wild fires in Australia before I … Read more