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Ordinary Life in The Midst of War

What is it like to live an ordinary life, to follow routine, in the midst of a war? For most of us in Israel, we do not have the luxury to imagine the answer to that question: we are living it.

VaYigash (And He (Judah) Approached) – Genesis 44:18 – 47:27

There’s been a whole week to await the completion of the conversation between Jospeh and his brothers. Why did the portion stop in the middle of this exciting scene?

This portion opens with a startling statement from Joseph declaring that he was sent to Egypt not by his brothers but by G-d. Joseph has been beset by misfortunes but is filled with recognition that he was an instrument for G-d all along.

Miketz (The End) – Genesis 41:1 – 44:17

In Portion Vayishlach Jacob prepares to meet Esau with gifts, prayer, and potential combat. Why did the angel visit Jacob on the night before meeting his brother? Is this similar to meetings experienced by Joshua, Moses, and Bilaam?


                                                     Een Grimmige Realiteit         We worden geconfronteerd met een situatie waarvan we hoopten en baden dat die nooit zou komen – de grimmige realiteit van oorlog … Read more