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Southern Hospitality in Samaria

Fall 2014 It was a brutal, punishing summer for most Israeli families. Instead of family vacations, and day trips to Israel’s sandy beaches, the 2014 summer vacation was fraught with frequent trips to the bomb shelter, and characterized by conflict. For the Avitan family, the nightmare was magnified by the fact that they live in … Read more

A Day of Prayer and Inspiration

This is the holiest time in the Jewish calendar. Just two days ago, we celebrated Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, a day which is dedicated to repentance, prayer and fasting. “The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Mark, the tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement. It shall be a sacred … Read more

Win This War

Tuesday, September 2, 2014 After 50 days, the war has ended. At least for now.  The missiles have stopped firing, the artillery fire has gone quiet.  Worst hit by far were the communities closest to Gaza.  The four-year old boy killed in Nahal Oz and the middle aged men killed in  Nirim at the end … Read more

Summer 2014

Uniting in Faith in Talmon The kidnapping and murder of Naftali Frankel, Gil-Ad Shaar, and Eyal Yifrach, was heart wrenching for the people of Israel. And yet, there was one spark of goodness that emerged from it all – it brought the nation together. While their families strengthened and united us, their disposition brought a … Read more