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A Safe Hangout In Har Gilo

Spring 2015 We remember the events of last June all too well. Three teenage boys were kidnapped and murdered by Palestinian terrorists while traveling home from Gush Etzion. These events have caused parents in the region to become fearful for their teenage children. “If it happened once, who’s to say it won’t happen again” says … Read more

How Destiny, Faith, and Tradition Affect Elections – April 7, 2015

April 2015 Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will continue to be Israeli’s prime minister.  That much was clear once the votes were counted after the recent Israeli election which took place just two weeks ago.  But what astounded so many in Israel was how different the actual election results were from the many surveys that had … Read more

Foreign Intervention in Israeli Politics

February 2015 Election season is upon us and as we move closer to election day (March 17th) the mutual accusations and mud-slinging so common in any election campaign become louder and more pronounced.  But one of the major issues that have surfaced this week actually reflects something very fundamental that affects the settlement movement in … Read more