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Hometown Celebration

In Karnei Shomron everyone gathered outside the Community Center, dressed festively in blue and white, the colors of our dear flag. Standing under the night stars, the ceremony began.

The Transition from Mourning to Dancing

We owe our lives to these people. We owe our freedom, our independence, the miracle of our existence, to these young people who loved their land and their people and who were killed in the prime of their life.

Arise and Walk the Land

Standing there it was obvious to us just how vital this place is strategically, biblically and historically. We learned that Hemdat was originally established as a “Nahal” military outpost by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in 1979.

Reflections on Passover

Passover starts long before the night of the fifteenth day of the Hebrew month of Nissan.  As the festival of Purim ends housewives start thinking of what needs to be accomplished in the next month.  “And this day shall become a memorial for you, and you shall observe it as a festival for the L-RD, … Read more