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Juni 2017

Ik ben net teruggekomen van een korte reis naar de VS, waar ik donateurs heb opgezocht van ons werk en heb gesproken voor Joodse en Christelijke groepen in allerlei plaatsen, soms bijzonder afgelegen in Seattle, St. Louis en Florida.

Shifting Alliances in a Dangerous Middle East

Terrible news has come out of England in these past few days. First a horrific massacre at a concert in Manchester and then just days later, a coordinated attack in the center of London. ISIS took responsibility for the attacks. England is reeling and in Israel we understand. ISIS and their bedfellows have declared war on us all.

Jerusalem: 50 Years as a Unified City!

Exactly 50 years ago, in just six days, the IDF liberated all of Judea and Samaria, the Golan Heights and the Jordan Valley and returned us to our historic heartland. This Jubilee year is a time of celebration, of jubilation!

Who “Owns” the Land of Israel? Part 3

by Kimberly Troup Hebron, Shechem, Jerusalem…  What do these three cities in Israel have in common?  If you read most newspaper articles, they list them as being in the “Occupied West Bank”.  However, if you read your Bible you find detailed accounts of real estate transactions, money changing hands, when Jewish patriarchs BOUGHT these three … Read more