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MEZORA (Leper) – LEVITICUS 14:1 – 15:33

      The Punishment of the Emorites is the Reward of Israel This shall be the law of the leprous person for the day of his cleansing. He shall be brought to the priest. (Leviticus 14:2)   So begins a detailed description of the rituals involved with purifying someone who has been afflicted with Biblical … Read more

Who “Owns” The Land of Israel? Part 5

western wall in Jerusalem

One has to wonder what is so special about this particular place, why did God tell David to go to this specific threshing floor and make a sacrifice? We find the answer that ties everything together and shows us the master plan that God had in mind from the very beginning in 2 Chronicles 3:1 Now Solomon began to build the house of the Lord at Jerusalem

Summer 2017

Will you help protect the children of Nofei Nechemia? Emergency needs are a tricky thing. Like any insurance— medical, life, fire– you invest, paying your premiums month after month, year after year, praying never to cash in on your policy. The people of Nofei Nechemia are concerned for what is most important to them… their … Read more

Nokdim El-David- Youth

Summer is here and Kaeren is witness to the counselors’ commitment. Night after night, sometimes till early hours of the morning, they meet at one of the kids’ houses, and sit around with blank photocopied calendars of July and August and discuss ideas for filling in those little squares with entertainment.