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Beste vrienden, Terwijl ik deze brief schrijf, hebben we zojuist onze eerste CFOIC-Hartland tour welkom geheten met onze Australische vertegenwoordiger, Joy Heylen. Jarenlang heeft onze direkteur in de Verenigde Staten, Kim Troup, onze Hartland reizen geleid naar Israël, met een duur van meestal 8-10 dagen. En ze is nu bezig om haar volgende reis te … Read more

Spread His shelter of peace over us!

There is something very innate about wanting to create a space or shelter for ourselves. This is why I’ve always liked the holiday of Sukkot. During this week-long festival we get to live in temporary huts topped with branches and often beautifully decorated with artwork, flowers, and foliage.

Looking Forward, Not Back.

The first month of the Jewish year is always an exciting one. Rosh Hashana, the Jewish new year, catapults us right into a festive celebration of this year’s potential – we say special prayers, we blow the shofar, and we eat special foods that symbolize the blessings we hope to benefit from and bring with us into the new year.

Beauty in God’s Eyes

The community of Argaman is situated in the narrow center of the Jordan Valley region. Driving up to the community by way of Route 90 blesses you with a gorgeous view: patchwork farmland comes right up to the shoulders of the highway, and the hazy tops of desert dunes are just visible in the distance.