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Third time Ice cream!

There is a popular saying in Israel: “Third time ice cream.” When you meet someone for the third time within a short period, you get ice cream to celebrate that third meeting.  Or at least, you talk about getting ice cream. Well, on Monday, we all met again at the polls, for the third time … Read more


Beste vrienden, Terug naar routine! Is dat niet hoe je je voelt na de Kerst/Nieuwjaar vakantie? Ik weet hoe ik mij voel als ons Joodse Nieuwjaar en het feest Loofhutten in de herfst voorbij is. Ook al genieten we van de feestdagen, na alle cadeaus, het eten, de speciale gebeden en de familie en vrienden, is het nog … Read more

The Least of These

Because of Christians like you, who care about special needs children and their families who are living in Biblical Israel, Heart of Benjamin is a reality!

Nahala (Inheritance) – Winter 2020

Protection in the Hills Surrounded by enemies. Isolated from nearby Jewish communities and towns. This is Revava, a community of 500 Jewish families in Samaria, and every day they face the grim, overhanging threat of violence and terrorism from their Arab neighbors. Security is a grave concern to Revava; in the past they have suffered … Read more