Over a decade and a half after the People of Israel miraculously liberated the Biblical Heartland, Samaria still remained largely barren of new communities. However, in February of 1981, a handful of Biblically devout families set their sights upon a spot near the southern banks of the Kanah stream, a waterway which 3,300 years earlier served as a boundary between the tribal territories of Manasseh to the north and Ephraim to the south (Joshua 16:8-9).

The pioneers named the nascent community “Yakir,” meaning “precious,” the precise Hebrew word used by God to describe His “son,” Ephraim (Jeremiah 31:19). According to Jeremiah’s prophesy, though Ephraim had been exiled for the blatant disobedience and disregard shown towards his Heavenly Father, a prodigal son, Ephraim would eventually be welcomed back by his Father with open arms.
Approximately 2,500 years after Jeremiah’s prophesy, the seeds for the promised restoration of God’s “first-born,” Ephraim (Jeremiah 31:7-8) were planted with the establishment of Yakir. Very soon thereafter, other communities sprouted nearby including Nofim, Emanuel and Havot Yair. With God’s blessing, Yakir has grown to a community comprising as many as 450 families. Yakir has also become a favored destination for new immigrants, particularly for those escaping recent hotbeds of anti-Semitism and conflict such as France and Russia. By welcoming new immigrants with open arms, Yakir is helping fulfill Jeremiah’s vision of Ephraim’s return, even from the most distant corners of the globe.

The pioneers of Yakir remain determined to further advance Jeremiah’s prophetic vision. Towards that end, they have developed the recreational “Kanah Park.” The park connects to a path that descends to the Kanah stream, strategically creating a geographic link to the communities on the other side of the stream such as Karnei Shomron. Over the past year, Yakir has introduced a food truck into the park to make the site more suitable for families and children. Unfortunately, the park’s playground is in great disrepair and must be replaced. Yakir’s residents need your help to construct a new playground. With your support, the children who have returned to Ephraim will play joyously in Yakir, fulfilling Biblical prophesy!