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A Visit With Shmuel: Nofei Nehemiah

Join me now, as I enter Nofei Nehemiah...

This month, I visited the community of Nofei Nechemiah, a relatively new community in Samaria, located just near the city of Ariel. One of the things that distinguishes Nofei Nechemiah from so many other communities is the fact that it was established by young people who themselves had grown up in Judea and Samaria and wanted to continue the pioneering life-style and values of their parents. Truly a second-generation community! Please join me for my visit to this lovely community in Samaria!

Thanks to you, our CFOIC Heartland donors, Nofei Nechemiah today is able to protect their residents better than ever before with the addition of vital security and surveillance equipment. But there is still a need to beef up security in the area. Click here to provide vital perimeter security to the communities of Nofei Nechemia and Rechalim and ensure that the men, women and children of the entire area are well-protected.

God Bless,

Shmuel Junger
Development Director
CFOIC Heartland

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1 thought on “A Visit With Shmuel: Nofei Nehemiah”

  1. Shalom !
    This was a real heart warming invitation tho see how the development of Israeli settlements just goes bigger and better..
    May this all be to the glory of the Most High G D of Israel..

    While we all Are waiting till Christ comes to rule from Jerusalem !


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