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May 2024

May 2024

           Dear Friend of Israel,

Every one of us encounters pivotal moments in life that can never be erased from our memories. Years later, we can easily remember and point out the most minute details about such experiences. Each year on September 11th, many Americans instinctively ask one another, “Where were you on the morning of September 11, 2001?”  Every November 4th in Israel, you will find Israelis asking each other, “Where were you when Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated?” And in both scenarios, countless respondents can provide the most comprehensive and intricate reflections about how they were feeling, where they were and what they were doing.

All of us in Israel will never forget where we were and what we were feeling on the early morning of April 14th. It was then when, after years of using proxy terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah to indirectly strike Israel, Iran launched a direct attack against the Jewish State for the first time in history. As parents in Israel were tucking their children into bed, countless news outlets started reporting on the dozens of drones and ballistic missiles that were suddenly being fired from Iran towards Israel. Imagine how eerie and scary it was for each one of us in Israel, waiting in our beds for the inevitable arrival of the drones and missiles, any one of which could have potentially caused significant structural damage and many fatalities. Miraculously, by the grace of God, Israel intercepted as much as 99% of the projectiles fired in our direction.

As I am writing this letter, Israel has yet to retaliate against Iran. But there is no question that Iran’s attack was a defining, pivotal moment for every one of us in Israel. We have reached a point in which our ongoing war against Hamas and Hezbollah since October 7th may very well soon be overshadowed by the prospect of a full confrontation with Iran, potentially involving allies on both sides – including major powers like Russia and China.

We are living at a point in time that will be remembered for generations. As the People of Israel and the Biblical Heartland courageously march onward, against all odds, fulfilling the promised restoration of the Land of Israel, we are all called now to take an unequivocal stand. Our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will most certainly ask us, “where were you when Iran attacked Israel? What did you do to make a difference?” Hopefully, each one of us will be able to tell them that we responded by participating in a concrete plan of action definitively placing us on the right side of Biblical history.


Shmuel Junger

Christian Friends of Israeli Communities

P.S. Enclosed with this letter is the latest Eye on Zion featuring the community of Migdal Oz.  Please read how you have made a difference in this vulnerable community with your incredible generosity!  You’ve been a vital part of saving lives and bringing safety and security to Judea and Samaria. Thank you!!

P.P.S. If you are able to join me for any of the events in Illinois, Ohio, or Tennessee, I hope to see you in person in May! See the itinerary for full details.

Please note that our office number has changed! The 800 number is no longer in service. You can always reach us (the American office) at the regular office number: 719-683-2041.