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A Visit With Shmuel: Tene Omarim

Join me now, as I enter Tene Omarim...

I was inspired by the natural beauty and the people, during my recent visit to Tene Omarim. An isolated community located in the Southern Hebron Hills, Tene Omarim is surrounded by breathtaking, serene desert views that have served as the backdrop to many Biblical stories. In 1984, eight families arrived at this desolate desert land, committed to establishing a warm community amid the rustic, expansive views, in the Biblical heartland. Today, these lands are once again teeming with Jewish life, as the community continues to grow and attract new families. Residents represent a colorful mosaic of the Jewish people: religious and secular, original pioneers, young families, and immigrants from Argentina, living together in cohesiveness and harmony.

Over the years, the people of Tene Omarim have endured numerous hostile assaults from nearby Arab villages. Yet, they remain committed to strengthening Jewish presence in Biblical Israel. Their location, especially significant for Jewish settlements in the south of Hebron, creates a buffer between Arab villages and nomadic tribes and the holy city of Hebron. Their survival depends on vigilant security measures against hostile attacks.

With God’s help, we will soon be able to tour Tene Omarim together. Until then, join me on this virtual visit to the inspiring community of Tene Omarim.

As you saw in my video, Tene Omarim is located near the large Arab city of Dahariya, and surrounded by Bedouin Arab encampments. Unfortunately, some of the Arabs living nearby have carried out terrorist attacks against Tene Omarim over the years. Additionally, there has been a significant increase in property damage and theft perpetrated by hostile Arabs in recent years, often a precursor to more violent terrorist activity. The people of Tene Omarim need your support to defend themselves against increasing terror threats.

Click here to partner with Tene Omarim and help these inspiring pioneers defend themselves against hostile infiltrations.

God Bless,

Shmuel Junger
Development Director
CFOIC Heartland
