Tzav (And He [God] Commanded Moses) – Leviticus 6:1 – 8:36
With the anointing of Aaron, Moses hands over something he will never have again. He lovingly gives up a part of his leadership, so that the people can be better served.
With the anointing of Aaron, Moses hands over something he will never have again. He lovingly gives up a part of his leadership, so that the people can be better served.
De worsteling om een meer traditioneel Israël April is dit jaar een heel bijzondere maand. Aan het begin van … Read more
Der Kampf für ein traditionelleres Israel Liebe Freunde, Der April ist dieses Jahr ein ganz besonderer Monat. … Read more
After weeks of aggressive demonstrations in the streets of Israel against the Government’s proposed judicial reform, in the past few days, things reached a frenzy that was truly frightening.
The first verse in chapter 40 provides us with the date that the Tabernacle was completed — the first day of the first month, or the first of Nissan. Nissan is the month which begins the Biblical count of months and it falls at this time of year. It is also known as the month of the spring (Deuteronomy 16:1). It is not the month of Rosh HaShana
We celebrated Purim last week and I filmed this on that day, in my own community of Zufim, enabling you to share my wonderful holiday with me. If you could not celebrate Purim in a Jewish community, then this is certainly the next best thing. Please join me as we celebrate Purim in Zufim.
The census must be an act of service, not a demonstration of power This week’s portion begins with the commandment to conduct a census among the Children of Israel through the donation of a half-shekel. Other commandments follow, but the focus of the portion is the story of the Golden Calf. It has long puzzled … Read more
Today is Purim, one of the most joyous holidays of the Jewish calendar. It commemorates the events recorded in the Book of Esther.
Interestingly, God’s name is not mentioned once in the Book of Esther, the only book of the Bible where He is seemingly absent. But then again, that is the point.
This week’s portion begins with the end of Exodus chapter 27 and includes the instructions for Aaron and their priests in their worship roles — their clothes, the sanctification process they will go through, and some instruction regarding the altar, the incense altar and the “tent of meeting.” It is the instruction with regard to this “tent” that I would like to focus on this week.