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Yonatan Kuznitz: Pioneering Since Birth

Sitting at his desk late one afternoon, Yonatan Kuztiz reflected on the personal journey that ultimately led to his election this past February as the mayor of Karnei Shomron.

“Ten years ago, then mayor Herzl Ben Ari told me: “You will be the mayor of this town one day,” Yonatan recalled. “And here I am.”

Yonatan’s story begins with his parents, who left their convenient lives in Brazil and moved to Israel in 1979. They chose the path less traveled, and in instead of making their new home in a more established city like Tl Avi, they lived in a religious kibbutz for several years until they finally settled in Karnei Shomron in 1988.

“Settling and pioneering the Land of Israel was of the utmost importance for them,” emphasized Yonatan. “And they transmitted those values to me.”

Already infused with a pioneering spirit in his youth, Yonatan sought every opportunity to contribute towards the Land and People of Israel. He proudly served in the elite IDF unit the Golani Brigade. Despite injuries during a training exercise, Yonatan insisted in returning to his unit.

After his stint in the military, Yonatan became a partner in a local business in Karnei Shomron that sold camping and military equipment. “We sold the business, but it is still headquartered in Karni Shomron,” Yontan noted with a big smile. In 2016 Yonatan pursued the larger mission of advancing development of the Biblical Heartland. He started his own real estate business and most significantly, acquired land in Judea and Samaria for residential construction.

Yonatan’s drive to further develop the Biblical Heartland motivated him to enter the political arena in 2018.” I recognized that political leaders in Israel are in a unique position to inspire others to take even the smallest steps that can advance the greatest dream that we have dreamt for thousands of years- the restoration of the Land of Israel,” Yonatan explained.

Yonatan and several of his friends formed a local political party and accomplished a significant feat, securing four out of nine seats in a municipal council. “Even if a challenge looks hard or impossible to overcome, there is always a door to success ready to be opened,” Yonatan said remarking on his victory.

In April 2023 Yonatan set his sights on becoming mayor. However, the devastating attacks of October 7th put everything on hold, and municipal elections were postponed from October to February. Yonatan was called up for reserve duty and reported to the northern border with Lebanon where he served for more than one hundred days. Over that span of time, surrounded by fellow soldiers from all over the country, Yonatan felt imbued with a “spirit” of camaraderie, national unity, and strength. He returned with an even greater motivation to serve Karne Shomron.

“The attacks last October against the People and Land of Israel were of Biblical proportions, and I recognize d that there was no better time or historic juncture than to harness this spirit,” Yonatan said. “I plan to take all my experiences, combine them with this energy and spirit and help lead Karnei Shomron and the Biblical Heartland to flourish and reach much greater heights.” Yonatan also acknowledged the great inspiration he has drawn from CFOIC Heartland and its friends from around the world.

“A decade ago, in the trailer where my wife and I and our children were living, I remember meeting and speaking with Sondra Oster Baras (CFOIC Heartland’s Founder and International President) and CFOIC Heartland donors from around the world,” Yonatan recalled.

“To this day, I hold our friends at CFOIC Heartland in the highest regard because even though they live on the other side of the world, they have chosen to take part in restring the Biblical Heartland, the most significant takes in human history.”

Yonatan has no doubt that CFOIC Heartland’s partnership with the Biblical Heartland is reaping blessings for the world: “CFOIC supporters and their contributions, no matter how small, will be remembered for generations! I’m sure of it.”