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Yakir Special Needs Daycare


Being a parent or family member of a child or adult with special needs and developmental disabilities is a lifelong challenge. All too often, the desire to give one’s precious child or sibling the care that they need is too great a task to accomplish alone. “Perach,” an organization that provides specialized care for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, helps such families in Samaria by managing, in the community of Yakir,  a nursing and therapeutic center for special-needs adults.

At Perach’s daycare center in Yakir, special-needs adults receive paramedical and therapeutic professional services including communication therapy and occupational therapy. The daycare center also offers a number of classes in a variety of fields and interests including music, baking, science and  gardening, all of which help to expand their skillset as well as their sense of value and satisfaction.

Each special-needs adult at the center is provided with his or her own individualized program structured around their respective needs and with special guidance from professional care providers. In doing so, the center aims to provide a formula uniquely designed for each special-needs adult, which gives all of them the specific care and support they each need.

While offering a warm and loving environment for all participants, Perach’s therapeutic center is unfortunately limited in size and capacity, unable to care for more than a dozen special-needs adults at any given time.

The Perach Day Activity Center for special-needs adults from all over Samaria, located in the community of Yakir, needs your help to expand its capacity. With your gift, the center will construct a sunroom, providing vital storage space as well as expanding the activity space to enable more  special-needs adults to participate in the Perach programs. Please give to the special-needs population of Samaria!

Total Funds Needed: $69,000

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