In February of 1981, a handful of Biblically devout families determined to rebuild Samaria, set their sights upon a spot near the southern banks of the Kanah stream, a waterway which 3,300 years ago functioned as a boundary between the tribal territories of Manasseh to the north and Ephraim to the south (Joshua 16:8-9). There, they established the community of “Yakir,” named with the precise Hebrew word that was used by God to describe His “son,” Ephraim (Jeremiah 31:19).
Very soon after Yakir’s founding, other communities sprouted up nearby including Nofim, Emanuel and Havot Yair. With God’s blessing, Yakir has grown from a handful of families in 1981 to a community now comprising as many as 450 families! Yakir has also absorbed many new immigrants, including those escaping recent hotbeds of anti-Semitism and conflict such as France and Russia.
Committed since its founding to restoring the Biblical Heartland in its entirety, Yakir built the recreation “Kanah Park.” Connecting to a hiking path that descends to the Kanah stream, the park strategically creates a geographic link to the communities on the other side of the stream such as Karnei Shomron. Given its location, the park serves as an outdoor recreational space not just for the residents of Yakir but also the nearby communities of Nofim and Havot Yair.
- FOUNDED: 1981
- LOCATION: In Samaria, south of the Kana Valley in the Biblical territory of Ephraim
- ORIGIN OF NAME: “Precious” in English, from Jeremiah (31:20) “Is Ephraim a precious son unto me?”
- POPULATION: 450 families

Unfortunately, the playground in Kanah Park is in great disrepair and must be replaced. You can ensure that Kanah Park remains a functional recreation space for generations to come.
The pioneers of Yakir need your help to redevelop Kanah Park, a central, outdoor recreation space for the residents and families of Yakir, Nofim and Havot Yair. With your support, children in Samaria will enjoy and play happily in a new playground for many years to come. Please give today to the future generations of the Biblical Heartland!
shalom, is there a possibillity to have some woman to correspondent with so now and then? I like to meet some one to connect and to support on monthly base. Kind regards Wilma Meindertsma 0613492228