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August 2023 Heartland Highlight: Kochav Yaakov

Kochav Yaakov is asking you to help cover the cost of hot lunches for the needy children of their community. These caring pioneers need your help to ensure no child in their community will go hungry.

July 2023 Heartland Highlight: Zufim

The people of Zufim desperately need to renovate an existing building and convert it into a safe, inviting place for their teens to socialize and engage in enrichment activities.

A Visit With Shmuel: A Purim Celebration

We celebrated Purim last week and I filmed this on that day, in my own community of Zufim, enabling you to share my wonderful holiday with me. If you could not celebrate Purim in a Jewish community, then this is certainly the next best thing. Please join me as we celebrate Purim in Zufim.


The people of Zufim must renovate an existing building and create a place for their teens to socialize and engage in enrichment activities. Give today to support this generation of pioneers in the Biblical Heartland. Encouraging teens surrounded by adversity Click here for more project details The people of Zufim desperately need to renovate an … Read more


To protect its residents from certain danger, Zufim must purchase surveillance cameras. Your donation today will ensure that the pioneers of this special community have the equipment they need to keep watch on their surroundings. Protecting innocent lives Click here for more project details To protect their families from certain danger, the people of Zufim … Read more

When Missiles Land Too Close for Comfort

Imagine being woken up at 5 in the morning by a wailing and threatening siren whose menacing tone rises and falls with the known signal of impending attack. It is the same sort of feeling that is experienced by families living near Gaza — those families have been experiencing sirens like this for years.

Keeping Zufim Safe

Zufim would like to focus on additional emergency equipment that will help the volunteers and professionals of Zufim ugrade their security protection.  There is a pressing need to establish a network of surveillance cameras with a central command control station, including solar transmission ability, to prevent infiltration and breaches of security by hostile elements. All of these important improvements to Zufim’s security system will represent a huge step towards creating that safe home that Zufim residents are so eager to provide for their families. I hope you will do whatever you can to help the people of Zufim stay safe, feel safe, and protect their children to the best of their ability.