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video library project

What can Christians do about annexation in Israel?

Wow! CFOIC Heartland’s own Sondra Oster Baras was featured  on Breaking Israel News to give her views on the annexation of Judea and Samaria. You don’t want to miss this! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLUGcLD_qp4

Voices of Faith from Israel

The people of Judea and Samaria have sacrificed a great deal to settle in the Biblical Heartland: terrorist attacks, boycotts, housing freezes, threats of expulsion, and the actual destruction of the communities in Gaza.  But throughout, their faith has kept them strong and kept them focused on G-d’s purposes for His people and His land. … Read more

Making a Difference in Judea and Samaria- November 2013

CFOIC Heartland has been working hand in hand with the people of Judea and Samaria for more than a decade to support vital humanitarian needs in the biblical heartland.  This film enables you to meet the people who are our partners in the land.  Listen to the amazingly moving stories of those who have sacrificed … Read more

Thank You -September 2008

This film is CFOIC Heartland’s way of saying thank you to the friends and supporters of the communities over the years. You will meet some of the people who have been helped by CFOIC Heartland. Their stories will tug at your heart and make you glad to have become a part of CFOIC Heartland’s vital … Read more

Peace Plan Update from Judea and Samaria, 2007

The truth, and the dangers, about the recent negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, launched under the auspices of President Bush at the Annapolis Conference in later 2007. Watch this short film and understand why we must not be silent in the face of international pressure against Israel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZD3_2jI1Nw Click here to read more … Read more

Days of Elijah Conference, September 2008

Sondra Oster Baras addressed the Days of Elijah Conference in Ft. Worth Texas, September 2008. Watch this film of her talk and learn more about the situation in Israel. Pass on this clip to your friends and neighbors to enable them to understand why Christians must stand with Israel today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eVIr1z9_C8

Voices from the Devastation

This film will enable you to catch a glimpse of the reality of life as experienced by the Gush Katif refugees, the thousands of Jews who were forced from their homes in the Gaza Strip in August of 2005. You will meet the people from Gush Katif. The video explores the emotional and spiritual reactions … Read more

Israel Update – December 13, 2022

Shmuel and Sondra were both so pleased to share their political insights in this update.  Both truly hope to have a government sworn in soon.  It is hoped you found this analysis informative.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRSyeowRqTo

Israel Update – November 8, 2022

So much politics today but it couldn’t be helped.  The Israeli election is certainly important.  If you are interested in supporting the community of Bet Yatir, the first community to be established in the Hebron Hills which is mentioned in this update, you can click here.  Thanks for being so supportive of Israel! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HseJzZtzKKw