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video library project

Following the Inauguration of President Biden

Israel Update-January 21, 2021 Following the Inauguration of President Biden this is an invaluable insight from two Israeli experts on the impact of the change in the US Administration on Israel, focusing on Iran and Judea and Samaria.  Sondra Oster Baras, Director of CFOIC Heartland’s Israel Office, and Shmuel Junger, Director of Development and an … Read more

Highlights-Israel Community Conference, July 2020

On July 27th, 2020, CFOIC Heartland’s Israel Office held a zoom conference for mayors and representatives for all the communities in Judea and Samaria that are affiliated with CFOIC. The purpose of the conference was to discuss mutual security concerns and to explore ways that CFOIC donors have and can continue to support these needs. … Read more

The Annexation Debate in Israel- June 16, 2020 Zoom Meeting

Israel is preparing to extend its sovereignty to Judea and Samaria in the coming weeks, an event that has created a huge buzz in Israel and around the world. Sondra Oster Baras, Director of CFOIC Heartland’s Israel Office explains the facts everyone should know to better understand the issues at hand. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=962hlscYEAk

Sovereignty with Sondra Baras on i24 News

CFOIC Heartland’s Director Sondra Oster Baras was interviewed on i24 News with regard to the extension of Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria. Sondra articulates a strong defense of this move and urges the Israeli government to act swiftly and decisively.

The festival of Shavuot and a prayer for Israel

This is a recording of a live Zoom meeting with Sondra Baras on June 9, 2020. Co-hosted by Pastor Corrine Cardoza of The Lord’s Church in Sacramento CA. Sondra did a short teaching on the festival of Shavuot or Pentecost, followed by Q&A, an update from Israel and finally a prayer for Israel session led … Read more

What can Christians do about annexation in Israel?

Wow! CFOIC Heartland’s own Sondra Oster Baras was featured  on Breaking Israel News to give her views on the annexation of Judea and Samaria. You don’t want to miss this! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLUGcLD_qp4

Voices of Faith from Israel

The people of Judea and Samaria have sacrificed a great deal to settle in the Biblical Heartland: terrorist attacks, boycotts, housing freezes, threats of expulsion, and the actual destruction of the communities in Gaza.  But throughout, their faith has kept them strong and kept them focused on G-d’s purposes for His people and His land. … Read more

Making a Difference in Judea and Samaria- November 2013

CFOIC Heartland has been working hand in hand with the people of Judea and Samaria for more than a decade to support vital humanitarian needs in the biblical heartland.  This film enables you to meet the people who are our partners in the land.  Listen to the amazingly moving stories of those who have sacrificed … Read more